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How to Install Screen Restorer Print

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What and Why?

When operating a crack server, you must set ‘online-mode’ to ‘false.’ This, however, causes skins to stop working, causing all players who join your server to identify with a Steve or Alex skin. To resolve this situation with crack servers, you’ll need to include a plugin that can restore players’ skin, which is where Skin Restorer comes in. Using Skin Restorer allows users to join with the skin associated with their in-game name.

The reason why skins don’t load in the first place, is because crack servers don’t authenticate with the Mojang skin server.

If you are running a cracked server, please make sure that you’ve set it up to be safe and secured. Setting online-mode to false can make your server vulnerable.


Plugins Tab

  1. Go to Game Panel and select your server
  2. Click on the Plugins tab
  3. Search for Skin Restorer by SRTeam and click Install
  4. Restart server


  1. Download Skin Restorer
  2. Connect to your server with an SFTP client
  3. Look for the “plugins” folder
  4. Upload the .jar file to the “plugins”
  5. Restart server

BungeeCord (SFTP)

  1. Download Skin Restorer
  2. Connect to your servers with an SFTP client
  3. Look for the “plugins” folder on all servers, including BungeeCord
  4. Upload the .jar file to the “plugins”
  5. Restart servers

Sponge (SFTP)

  1. Download Skin Restorer
  2. Connect to your servers with an SFTP client
  3. Look for the “mods” folder on all servers, including BungeeCord
  4. Upload the .jar file to the “mods”
  5. Restart servers


  • /skin - main command.
  • /skin <skinname> - Sets your skin.
  • /skin url <skin.png url> [steve / slim] - set a skin from a .png url
  • /skin update - Updates your current skin.
  • /skin clear - clears your skin.
  • /skins - GUI


Admin commands:

  • /sr - main admin command
  • /skin set <playername> <skinname> - Sets player’s skin.
  • /skin clear <player> - clear a player’s skin.
  • /skin update <player> update a player’s skin.
  • /sr drop <skinname> - Removes skins data from database.
  • /sr createcustom <name> <skin.png url> - Define a usable custom skin.
  • /sr reload - Reloads config and locale.
  • /sr props <playername> - Returns properties of a player.
  • /sr status - check the plugin status.

Additional Permissions

  • skinsrestorer.bypasscooldown -> bypasses skinscooldown config
  • skinsrestorer.bypassdisabled -> bypass the disabledskins list

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